Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Can Humans be So Hypocritical?

So many people say they'll do one thing and then do the complete oppisite. This goes for me too, especially as a christian, i feel like so many times people tend to be very hypocritical. Its like a self-fufilling prophecy You judge others on what they do and in return people judge you. When in reality who has the right to Judge anyone besides God? No one. How is anyone supposed to ever grow in life if they are constantly judging others. I know this is one factor in everyones life but i hope its something that people will want to recognize and change. The main reason this topic is on my mind is due to an event that took place when i got home tonight. Which acctually doesnt have to do with judging but more so me personally being a hypocrite. I'll admit it, how am i ever supposed to learn about my mistakes if i dont own up to them? Well when i got home tonight and started talking with my mom, i told her i got Windows7 for my computer, but it wouldn't let me download it. If anyone knows my computer then they know that it is a DEFECT it is only a year old and runs like its a computer from the early 90's. SO. . .hoping Windows7 would work on my computer i bought it, without realizing later that my Computer doesnt have enough memory(RAM) to even upgrade to the Windows7. Very frustrating. I told my mom & she disagrees with me, saying she knows my computer has more memory then that. I clearly just tried to download Windows7 and it wouldnt work AT ALL. Ofcourse i had a very short temper tonight. .so much has been on my mind lately and one thing led to another. Now i am the only one up and my mom is mad at me because we got into an Argument. Ughh the worst way to have a night, if you know me then you would know i hate going to bed with things "unresolved". So to get back to my point i feel like i displayed a perfect example of being a hypocrite tonight; sadly but true. I have been trying to grow closer with God and i have been wanting to improve every aspect of my life & then i came home and acted out of anger. I obviously still have alot to learn and tonight i hope i can remeber in the future that its best to not say anything sometimes. . . .even if your extremely opinionated like me! :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

I decided to Write again. . .

. . .So here i am once again, i have decided to start blogging 1. because i love to write, and 2. because i know there is alot that needs to be said. I am now a sophmore in college, still going to Chandler Gilbert which i enjoy very much. College has definitley been very interesting and i have gotten the best grades of my life and learned things i never thought i would learn. I still have not decided on a major; hopefully soon i will know. I was thinking Nursing, but i have doubts in my mind that i would be able to handle being in a hospital all the time. . yet i am still very intrigued by helping people & the medical field. Theres also that artsy side of me that i just dont know what to do with. Of course Journalism used to be my major. Until a English teacher scared me away from writing after having a horrible English 102 class with her and recieving my very first C on a writting paper in my life. I havent exactly given up on journalism just because i dropped the major, but i am very intimidated by the media industry. You see & read what the Media has to say everyday & it comes off quite decieving. Realistically alot of people dont know what it takes to get into that industry. Often times you start out as an intern and work your way up to what you want to be (i.e. reporter, coulumnist, editor) That makes me think would i have the patience to wait & work my way to the top? I cant quite say, but being in an industry where it is solely based on looks and rank vs. skill and talent would be very difficult. I most of all right now need to listen to what God has to say to me. I need to open my ears to what i may not be hearing & listen to what i need to hear even if it isnt always what i want to hear.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

bout time i update

its been awhile ahaha. . . .
So how do i sum up 2 months?
Well school is going great, good teachers and good grades!
I am enjoying how much my life has been changing but everything is blowing by sooo fast
i definitley does not feel like November, but it is & yay that means the holiday's are super close!
i dont know what God has in store for these next few months but i feel like there gonna be very different than normal, i believe everything happens for a reason & God has been letting alot of things happen in my life right now haha dont know if thats good or bad?lol

well for now :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

another update

. . .well this weekend was busy.
I love working at the church on Sundays as the Pre-k teacher, but waking up for that at 5am
not so much.

. .Cowboys had there 1st loss of the season this weekend i was really bumed :(

. .Yesterday after 5:00 service my parents and i went to see the movie "My Best Friends Girl"
we knew it was rated R but we figured it wouldnt b too bad just some language here & there & i really wanted to see it since Kate Hudson is my favorite actress. WELL turns out we were wrong. Typical right?ha it wasn't just the language but everything else was literally so bad me & my parents decided to leave. ha what a great family movie night!

. . .im thinking bout heading off to camber deep right now. i hae been super bored all day

why is everyone always busy? beats me

Thursday, September 18, 2008


okay wow. . .things change so fast!
i decided to turn down the nanny job after really thinking about it
i decided it wasnt the job for me, so now i am back on the job hunt but its all good : D
Tori is coming home this weekend should be another fun filled weekend
Can i just say that hanging out with keira this week has been FANTASTIC, i am thrilled she's
back & tonight i will get to see her lil pretty face at Camber like old times!

I have been trying to read more lately. . it really informs me about things im unaware of
so hopefully i can start a new book soon and actually finish one.ha
for now

Friday, September 12, 2008

the weekend is FINALLY here

well i got the Job as a nanny! I can't believe how good God is, even when i don't deserve it. I found a new job within a week, thats amazing to me! It seems like it takes forever to find a job & i am so lucky to have gotten one right after i left my other job.

This is a very exciting weekend & i have alot planned, tommorrow me & amanda & shan are making shirts for when keira comes home! Then Sunday i will actually get to see keiras sweet lil face! I have been waiting for this day for a while & its finally here : D its gonna be a crazy scene at the airport!

well right now im off to far places with amanda : D

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So recently i have been looking for a new job & i just got a phone call
from a friend at church today and it turns out a family is looking for
a nanny and they heard about me. I just talkted to the family tonight &
i am meeting with them on thursday! Please pray that i can get this job.
i cant believe how things work out and God is so amazing he
provides for me when i least expect it :)